Lyrics for 'Pacífico' by Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT
Perbedaan yang ada
Bukan alasan kita
Untuk menutup mata
Bahwa kita manusia
Warna yang kita punya
Indah tapi berbeda
Keragaman antar suku
Agama dan bahasa
Indah tak harus sama
Satukan langkah
Redam ego dan amarah
Perang yang berujung
Pertumpahan darah dan luka
Hey pacifico
Perbedaan bukan alasan
Untuk menutup mata
We’re young and dumb
We’re trapped in anxiety we made
We have the same bloods
Same skins, and same bones
Yeah we were the same
So don’t close your eyes
Don’t close your eyes
Let’s bring back the peace
Where we lived before
Let’s bring back the colors
Of our red and white
Yeah we can bring pacifico
Perbedaan bukan alasan
Untuk menutup mata
Mari angkat senjata
Lihat mata mereka
Tak berdosa tanpa arah
Hanya nanar yang ada
Tunjukkan pada dunia
Kita sama
Let’s bring back the peace
Where we lived before
Let’s bring back the colors
Of our red and white
Let’s bring back the peace
Let’s bring back the colors
Let’s bring back the peace
To where we lived before
Satukan langkah
Redam ego dan amarah
Perang yang berujung
Pertumpahan darah dan luka
Bring pacifico
Perbedaan bukan alasan
Untuk menutup mata
Mari angkat senjata
Lihat mata mereka
Tak berdosa tanpa arah
Hanya nanar yang ada
Tunjukkan pada dunia
Kita sama
Let's Stream 'Pacífico' by Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT
****Disclaimer: Music video and lyrics of the song Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT - Pacífico provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned.
Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT - Pacífico is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.
If you like the song lirik lagu Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT - Pacífico lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist.****
Lirik Stand Here Alone X SLAPITOUT - Pacífico
Reviewed by Unknown
August 17, 2018
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