Lirik Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China

Lyrics for 'Great Wall of China' by Makmur Sejahtera

You get caught up into thinking
I'll leave you alone
I'm just a song, I'm just a song
I want a hug
I want home

But you're a great wall of china
Oh how long does it take to learn?

Cross over the wall (4x)

Wandering along the wall
Let me just make my call
How many feet will it take you to stop?
I'm a just a song

Let me make my call
Listen to my song
We are both alone
We both belong

Let's Stream 'Great Wall of China' by Makmur Sejahtera

****Disclaimer: Music video and lyrics of the song Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.

If you like the song lirik lagu Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist.****
Lirik Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China Lirik Makmur Sejahtera - Great Wall of China Reviewed by Unknown on August 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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